secondary problem, every time i complete the minigame and get through the dialogue with the pirates i lose the ability to move my character. when i reloaded the game it was fine but still weird
It's bugged i already tried😭 I cant kill the boss,the boss keep spamming his flying punch across dungeon..I also can walk through wall😭 The key for other door also spawn after you opened the door..
Well… I did get passed it. Fist back the flying fist (is that even a word? Sorry my main language isn't English) and spam your punch at him, I remember I did that for four to five times and finally defeated him. Maybe more times. I kinda forget since it's two weeks ago
I don't know where to post for bugs but just a heads up after you give the wizard his wood and walk back, you can walk on the underside of the trees and bypass the rock skipping something
Can you please add a tag that this is a porn game? I had difficulty finding this game. I tried to just search the name and it didn't pop up! It would help get more eyes on this project! C:
There was a bug at the beginning of the game when the protagonist is introduced to Voss, when they have the sex scene, nothing appears, showing a black screen with the narration of both.
Ok, since this is a work in progress, I'll be more gentle with it. However, I will say this game needs a lot of work. Gallery doesn't work, or it's not there yet. There are a lot of bugs that needs patching such as certain intractable boxes should be bigger since when you need to interact with someone, you will have to move around before you finally get the exact spot where the game wants you to be in. I could just say it needs more polish, but that would be vague and useless information. What I will like to say is I like this little silly story and want to see more from it, but there are also a lot of bugs in the game like with the wizard's quest. If you're like me, and walk past the wizard without knowing how to interact with people, you would find a piece of would that you might collect using the A button on mobile (I would also like to add that you should make tutorials on how which buttons work, etc) and collect the log. Then I realize about which button activates dialogue and went to the wizard which already counted the log I have in inventory. However, the log before respawned (and they kept on respawning) and when you find the 5, you'll get 6 which is over the limit. This breaks the quest since it's over the limit and the game thinks you don't have enough, despite having more than enough. For looking at quests, I think you should add a button which opens to either see inventory (which exists) but you can also toggle to look at other things like bestiary, quests, etc. There is another glitch that happens in the dungeon when you follow the bear. I found this glitch by collecting the key at the top to fight the boss, then the key at the bottom. I found the key at the bottom, but it refused to open the door, softlocking me. Also, when I was at the bear boss, I was almost dead, so I simply wanted to load back a save, which was a mistake since the bear was still active, but I was at the beginning. The load option ingame is a bit broken when you're trying to load a previous save in the same area.
In all, this game needs a lot of work, but it's definitely something that I like so far and want to see more of.
There's a bug on Android where during the bear recruitment cutscenes where he wandered off and destroy something it bug out and won't progress and I'm pretty much just stuck there.
Also you can skip the entire boulder quest by going behind the trees and slip right through the boulder.
The art and music in this game look so good and there's quite potential for a good game but currently, it needs a LOT of improvements which takes me away so much from enjoying it (Except specific scenes, those are great) - Have the option to adjust the resolution of the menu, why is it bad at the menu but I hope what I see is right the game itself looks properly sized - For this version, I enter the game knowing nothing (assuming I didn't read the itch page, but I shouldn't need to read the page to be immersed), there's no tutorial, no guide, I wouldn't even think of interacting with the NPCs on the side of the start unless I knew E was an interact
- Sometimes pressing E doesn't work and I need to be in a different spot or move away then return and press E again
- Like some others have said, losing health does nothing
- Pausing which is ESC or P, shows save, load, and options yes? None work, sometimes pressing escape also doesn't work and quit too
- The open buildings feel disorienting like someone else said because it feels like you are welcome to enter but only 2 are open which maybe some feedback that hey no enter for now, which would be more acceptable IMO than a wall
- The dialogue for the chests were too quick for some reason or appeared then disappeared and then text explaining the contents appeared
- Why do I have 5 mushrooms in my inventory already, you press I if anyone doesn't know
- The human in one building feels off compared to everybody else sort of, I can't point out why, and I assume there's no scene yet but why give the option to, and why only in his dialogue I can move and the conversation continues even outside the cave
- Scene transitions feel a bit jarring
- And I wish I knew earlier but Space is sprint, which is a choice, and I wish I knew because it made the game traverse faster - But knowing E is interact, I would feel off because they say "You're back" but I haven't interacted with them before
I hope that an update is out soon and see that maybe some of the bugs are fixed
hey! I love the game in concept, I think it has a LOT of potential and I'm really excited to see where it goes. If I could offer a couple of things up that posed a problem in the latest version: -On android, the text box covers the UI and makes the game completely unplayable, so that's a pretty big problem. Works on windows though. -I noticed that running out of health did absolutely nothing. So even if i was trying to die to a slime to see if there was a bad end or whatever, i could hit them a million times and still not actually die. -Several of the character portraits didn't appear, like the cute lizard that accompanies the big dino at the beginning, and the town chief (assuming he has one, i know the lizard does based on the game pictures here) -I couldn't damage the bear in the dungeon at all, and i never found him anywhere else, so it seems like that CG is just not able to be triggered right now?
-A lot of the houses in the village look like you're supposed to be able to go into them, including the one labeled "SAL" but you can't, and it's pretty disorientating. Made me think the game was completely bugged out. - I also noticed that there's no feedback when you save the game, so you have no idea if it actually saved. Feedback would be super nice, like from the houses (either telling me i can't enter or just closing their doors) and from game saving. I did notice the text box could sometimes cover UI in windows, but it wasn't nearly as breaking as on android. A skip button for seen dialogue would also be very welcome. I LOVE what I've seen so far. The art is hot and the story seems super funny and whimsical. Just a couple of bugs to sort out. Excited to see where it goes!
Even after they finish from the 1st scene, the dialog box stays on the screen for the android version not allowing us to click the 2 buttons on the bottom right screen or im guessing the menu screen at the bottom as well.
The art and music are so good. The shopkeeper looked very nice in particular, but both drawn and pixel art stuff looks great! The character's are cute, but the one human seem out of place. I'm also interested in the overarching story.
Bug: You can get out of bounds by going between the trees here. And the dialogue ui gets stuck on screen sometimes, which you can also see here
Played v0.02... Well. KInda broken for now. In options need changing resolution. Also kinda don't understand how to broke those stones where cave with kobold. But project have potential tho (also save game and load game is broken)
You should probably explain the controls, because I have no idea what they are, but they definitely aren't at all like any game I've ever seen in my life.
A simple adventure game with a lot of potential and great art, I'm loving everything so far, too bad there are some bugs, hope they'll get fixed soon. Keep up with this great work <3 <3
The game is cute and has potential to be something great, but it just doesn't function correctly. Load game works sometimes but after loading you can't talk to anyone. Gallery doesn't work. Randomly, the escape key stops working. The dungeon is extremely buggy and the fist attack doesn't work. With this new build the initial sex scene doesn't work, and Gavin's doesn't work either. Most of these bugs were in the initial version; please fix before updating again.
Hi, I'm glad you like the game! The issue with the game has been fixed in further builds of the game, the version here on Itch is the free version which is a few builds behind. The save and load feature in the free version wasn't fully fixed yet so it didn't load everything. The save and loading were fixed in version v0.03, the Gavin scene was fully added at that point as well. The fist was also fully fixed in version v0.05. The Gallery has yet to be implemented I'm still working on getting that in.
It's a very fun game for sure in the next update I hope you have an instruction on the control please when i first play idk what button to attack lol. In the dungeon is bugging for me a little that i have to get out and comeback to open the slime boss door. oh and if you could explain about how to use the punch that character get when he got it would be nice i think some people like me would not know all the control when you didn't told them about it. Looking forward for more update!
It was a cute game. Really like the aesthetics and it reminded me of the forest in link to the past.
I did obviously run into bugs so I don’t know how much was stuff was playable but:
When I started the boss fight with Nictis I couldn’t hit him but I could run past him and go through the wall
Afterwards when I went back to the camp with Voss he was blocking the rock but he was also in the camp. A cutscene also played with Nictis joining the team as if I had defeated him even though I glitched passed him.
When the cutscenes were done Voss was still blocking the rock (I dont know if that was just the end of the demo)
cute stuff, so far. I am curious, am i supposed to be able to do more than the intro? I've wandered the woods but the kobold leader, mushroom guard, and wizard seem to be placeholders who just talk. and for the life of me I can't find any wizard wood unless I'm missing somethign obvious :-D
Still the opening scene and characters are awesome and maybe that was the whole point of the demo! :-D gj
Nm. Restarted the game and wood appeared. Don't know if its relevant but first time I answered the wizard what are you doing here, second time I answered trapped. and wood was available :-D
← Return to game
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when i was playing the burger minigame the cheese button just was not working, is that a common problem?
nevermind i got it, the hitbox is just way above what it looks like
secondary problem, every time i complete the minigame and get through the dialogue with the pirates i lose the ability to move my character. when i reloaded the game it was fine but still weird
does the 0.07 build end at the beach? i can't progress anywhere anymore and there's nothing telling me the demo ended so im just not sure
I'm on android and I can't past get past the dungeon i already got the fist form yet I can't use it
It's bugged i already tried😭 I cant kill the boss,the boss keep spamming his flying punch across dungeon..I also can walk through wall😭 The key for other door also spawn after you opened the door..
Well… I did get passed it. Fist back the flying fist (is that even a word? Sorry my main language isn't English) and spam your punch at him, I remember I did that for four to five times and finally defeated him. Maybe more times. I kinda forget since it's two weeks ago
I don't know where to post for bugs but just a heads up after you give the wizard his wood and walk back, you can walk on the underside of the trees and bypass the rock skipping something
Wait why did it ate thought 💜?
I'm so confused about what to do but it's good very good
Can you please add a tag that this is a porn game? I had difficulty finding this game. I tried to just search the name and it didn't pop up! It would help get more eyes on this project! C:
There was a bug at the beginning of the game when the protagonist is introduced to Voss, when they have the sex scene, nothing appears, showing a black screen with the narration of both.
Ok, since this is a work in progress, I'll be more gentle with it. However, I will say this game needs a lot of work. Gallery doesn't work, or it's not there yet. There are a lot of bugs that needs patching such as certain intractable boxes should be bigger since when you need to interact with someone, you will have to move around before you finally get the exact spot where the game wants you to be in. I could just say it needs more polish, but that would be vague and useless information. What I will like to say is I like this little silly story and want to see more from it, but there are also a lot of bugs in the game like with the wizard's quest. If you're like me, and walk past the wizard without knowing how to interact with people, you would find a piece of would that you might collect using the A button on mobile (I would also like to add that you should make tutorials on how which buttons work, etc) and collect the log. Then I realize about which button activates dialogue and went to the wizard which already counted the log I have in inventory. However, the log before respawned (and they kept on respawning) and when you find the 5, you'll get 6 which is over the limit. This breaks the quest since it's over the limit and the game thinks you don't have enough, despite having more than enough. For looking at quests, I think you should add a button which opens to either see inventory (which exists) but you can also toggle to look at other things like bestiary, quests, etc. There is another glitch that happens in the dungeon when you follow the bear. I found this glitch by collecting the key at the top to fight the boss, then the key at the bottom. I found the key at the bottom, but it refused to open the door, softlocking me. Also, when I was at the bear boss, I was almost dead, so I simply wanted to load back a save, which was a mistake since the bear was still active, but I was at the beginning. The load option ingame is a bit broken when you're trying to load a previous save in the same area.
In all, this game needs a lot of work, but it's definitely something that I like so far and want to see more of.
There's a bug on Android where during the bear recruitment cutscenes where he wandered off and destroy something it bug out and won't progress and I'm pretty much just stuck there.
Also you can skip the entire boulder quest by going behind the trees and slip right through the boulder.
Nevermind i can still move it's just the vn ui buging out and won't go away and now i cant tap anything that got covered by it.
Lovely game but I can't quite figure out how to interact on mobile?
It's the A button. I was stuck too before I figured out that you had to press the A button to pick up objects and interact with NPCs.
Ah dw, I figured it out. I was just dumb lol
The art and music in this game look so good and there's quite potential for a good game but currently, it needs a LOT of improvements which takes me away so much from enjoying it (Except specific scenes, those are great) - Have the option to adjust the resolution of the menu, why is it bad at the menu but I hope what I see is right the game itself looks properly sized - For this version, I enter the game knowing nothing (assuming I didn't read the itch page, but I shouldn't need to read the page to be immersed), there's no tutorial, no guide, I wouldn't even think of interacting with the NPCs on the side of the start unless I knew E was an interact
- Sometimes pressing E doesn't work and I need to be in a different spot or move away then return and press E again
- Like some others have said, losing health does nothing
- Pausing which is ESC or P, shows save, load, and options yes? None work, sometimes pressing escape also doesn't work and quit too
- Are you supposed to equip the Punch? And how?
- The open buildings feel disorienting like someone else said because it feels like you are welcome to enter but only 2 are open which maybe some feedback that hey no enter for now, which would be more acceptable IMO than a wall
- The dialogue for the chests were too quick for some reason or appeared then disappeared and then text explaining the contents appeared
- Why do I have 5 mushrooms in my inventory already, you press I if anyone doesn't know
- The human in one building feels off compared to everybody else sort of, I can't point out why, and I assume there's no scene yet but why give the option to, and why only in his dialogue I can move and the conversation continues even outside the cave
- Scene transitions feel a bit jarring
- And I wish I knew earlier but Space is sprint, which is a choice, and I wish I knew because it made the game traverse faster - But knowing E is interact, I would feel off because they say "You're back" but I haven't interacted with them before
I hope that an update is out soon and see that maybe some of the bugs are fixed
The gallery is not available
hey! I love the game in concept, I think it has a LOT of potential and I'm really excited to see where it goes.
If I could offer a couple of things up that posed a problem in the latest version:
-On android, the text box covers the UI and makes the game completely unplayable, so that's a pretty big problem. Works on windows though.
-I noticed that running out of health did absolutely nothing. So even if i was trying to die to a slime to see if there was a bad end or whatever, i could hit them a million times and still not actually die.
-Several of the character portraits didn't appear, like the cute lizard that accompanies the big dino at the beginning, and the town chief (assuming he has one, i know the lizard does based on the game pictures here)
-I couldn't damage the bear in the dungeon at all, and i never found him anywhere else, so it seems like that CG is just not able to be triggered right now?
-A lot of the houses in the village look like you're supposed to be able to go into them, including the one labeled "SAL" but you can't, and it's pretty disorientating. Made me think the game was completely bugged out.
- I also noticed that there's no feedback when you save the game, so you have no idea if it actually saved.
Feedback would be super nice, like from the houses (either telling me i can't enter or just closing their doors) and from game saving.
I did notice the text box could sometimes cover UI in windows, but it wasn't nearly as breaking as on android. A skip button for seen dialogue would also be very welcome.
I LOVE what I've seen so far. The art is hot and the story seems super funny and whimsical. Just a couple of bugs to sort out.
Excited to see where it goes!
Even after they finish from the 1st scene, the dialog box stays on the screen for the android version not allowing us to click the 2 buttons on the bottom right screen or im guessing the menu screen at the bottom as well.
The art and music are so good. The shopkeeper looked very nice in particular, but both drawn and pixel art stuff looks great! The character's are cute, but the one human seem out of place. I'm also interested in the overarching story.

You can get out of bounds by going between the trees here. And the dialogue ui gets stuck on screen sometimes, which you can also see here
Looks great!
Played v0.02... Well. KInda broken for now. In options need changing resolution. Also kinda don't understand how to broke those stones where cave with kobold. But project have potential tho (also save game and load game is broken)
How do you run it on android?
You should probably explain the controls, because I have no idea what they are, but they definitely aren't at all like any game I've ever seen in my life.
omg same 😭😭😭
the first weapon is bugged again
There seems to be no option to install the latest public update (on the app on PC)
You should just have to unzip the file and open the Little Devil.exe file it's not an install file.
This is what I get when I go to download. It won't let me choose a file to download in the first place.

That's very odd, it may not be showing up because there' no installer.
Well that's unfortunate :(
Actually, having a dedicated installer is more likely to make it not show up. It's literally just a checkbox in the upload.
A simple adventure game with a lot of potential and great art, I'm loving everything so far, too bad there are some bugs, hope they'll get fixed soon. Keep up with this great work <3 <3
What are the controls??
I click everything but Im not interacting with anything
The game is cute and has potential to be something great, but it just doesn't function correctly. Load game works sometimes but after loading you can't talk to anyone. Gallery doesn't work. Randomly, the escape key stops working. The dungeon is extremely buggy and the fist attack doesn't work. With this new build the initial sex scene doesn't work, and Gavin's doesn't work either. Most of these bugs were in the initial version; please fix before updating again.
Hi, I'm glad you like the game! The issue with the game has been fixed in further builds of the game, the version here on Itch is the free version which is a few builds behind. The save and load feature in the free version wasn't fully fixed yet so it didn't load everything. The save and loading were fixed in version v0.03, the Gavin scene was fully added at that point as well. The fist was also fully fixed in version v0.05. The Gallery has yet to be implemented I'm still working on getting that in.
This game is cool!
It's a very fun game for sure in the next update I hope you have an instruction on the control please when i first play idk what button to attack lol. In the dungeon is bugging for me a little that i have to get out and comeback to open the slime boss door. oh and if you could explain about how to use the punch that character get when he got it would be nice i think some people like me would not know all the control when you didn't told them about it. Looking forward for more update!
you save your inventory after loading game
when you talk with npc and you have fist you are sent flying and you cant get back![]()
sex scene with gerald dont work
Sad... Only windows user
It was a cute game. Really like the aesthetics and it reminded me of the forest in link to the past.
I did obviously run into bugs so I don’t know how much was stuff was playable but:
When I started the boss fight with Nictis I couldn’t hit him but I could run past him and go through the wall
Afterwards when I went back to the camp with Voss he was blocking the rock but he was also in the camp. A cutscene also played with Nictis joining the team as if I had defeated him even though I glitched passed him.
When the cutscenes were done Voss was still blocking the rock (I dont know if that was just the end of the demo)
Looking forward to more!!
i cant beat the boss in the ruins, was unable to hit him and after restart boss door reappeared and couldn't open it
Kinda stuck after the first boss, very confusing but i get that its the first version tho
It launched fine initially, but after saving, closing it, and reopening it, it doesn't automatically enter fullscreen and the menu doesn't work
cute stuff, so far. I am curious, am i supposed to be able to do more than the intro? I've wandered the woods but the kobold leader, mushroom guard, and wizard seem to be placeholders who just talk. and for the life of me I can't find any wizard wood unless I'm missing somethign obvious :-D
Still the opening scene and characters are awesome and maybe that was the whole point of the demo! :-D gj
Nm. Restarted the game and wood appeared. Don't know if its relevant but first time I answered the wizard what are you doing here, second time I answered trapped. and wood was available :-D
Fun stuff, looking forward to more